Violation Of Right-Of-Way

Traffic Ticket Lawyer In Orlando, FL

Right-of-way laws are put into place to maintain order and help drivers avoid collisions in intersections where traffic is merging or pedestrians are crossing the roadway. Should a motorist fail to yield the right-of-way at an intersection or pedestrian crossing, a law enforcement officer has the right to issue a ticket for a moving violation. However, just because an officer gives a ticket, it does not mean the charge is correct. Contesting a mistakenly issued traffic violation with the help of an experienced defense attorney can spare motorists from having points added to their license and being fined.

If you've received a violation of right-of-way ticket, don't think you have to resign yourself to admitting guilt by paying the ticket. Instead, reach out to the skilled traffic violation attorneys at 911 Biker Law for assistance contesting the charge.

Contact our Orlando law firm today to schedule a case consultation with our experienced defense lawyers!

Car Violating Right Of Way

Florida Laws On Right-Of-Way

The specifics of right-of-way laws will vary depending on the situation and traffic signs present at the intersection. Per Florida Statute §316.123, drivers may receive a non-criminal traffic infraction charge should they fail to adhere to any of the following right-of-way laws.

  • While at a stop sign, drivers shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle that has entered the intersection or is approaching the intersection from another highway in any manner that would present an immediate hazard.
  • When approaching a yield sign, drivers are required to slow their vehicles before entering any intersection. Upon slowing or stopping, drivers at a yield sign shall grant the right-of-way to any vehicle currently in or imminently approaching the intersection from another highway.
  • At a four-way stop intersection, the first vehicle to stop at the intersection shall also be the first to proceed across the intersection. If two or more motorists reach the four-way stop intersection simultaneously, the driver of the vehicle on the left shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle on the right.

Penalties For Violation Of Right-Of-Way

A violation of right-of-way charge is what's known as a noncriminal traffic violation. The punishments for this kind of moving violation will vary depending on whether the infringement preceded a collision. Typically, the penalties for violating a right-of-way, wherein no bodily harm or an accident is caused, include up to $300 in fines and three points added to the offender's license. However, should a violation of right-of-way charge accompany an accident, penalties could increase to include community service or jail time.

How Our Traffic Ticket Attorneys Can Help

Most people would prefer to avoid penalties. Fortunately, our skilled defense attorneys in Orlando have years of experience contesting violation of right-of-way tickets. Our lawyers can assist you by reviewing the unique circumstances of your situation and crafting a compelling legal defense on your behalf. Don't let a minor traffic infraction cost you hundreds of dollars and points on your license. Contact the defense attorneys at 911 Biker Law today for comprehensive legal representation.