10 Reasons to Rely More On Your Motorcycle

10 Reasons to Rely More On Your Motorcycle

It is well-known that motorcycles provide an adventurous thrill that is incomparable. Despite the dangers that are often associated with riding motorcycles, these bikes offer many advantages that can benefit more than just one person.

1. Motorcycles are environmentally friendly.

Contrary to popular belief, motorcycles are better for the environment than gas-powered vehicles. Motorcycles utilize less gas and oil, and as a result, they release fewer toxins into the atmosphere. The fewer chemicals released into the atmosphere equivalates to reduced global warming in the long term, so why not enjoy the thrill of a motorcycle to help good ‘ole Mother Earth last a bit longer?

2. Motorcycles contribute less to the destruction of roads.

Motorcycles are lightweight. Even with 1-2 bodies of average weight, motorcycles have less of an impact on the condition of the road than other vehicles. It is far less likely for a motorcycle to damage asphalt. Meanwhile, the force, weight and pressure of other vehicles often result in road damage.

3. Motorcycles are a better alternative to public transportation.

Let’s face it: No one enjoys riding on buses, trains or any other form of public transportation. These spaces are often hot, uncomfortable and crowded. If you desire your own personal space, you might wish to consider relying on a motorcycle instead.

4. Motorcycles are less likely to be hijacked.

With advanced technology that allow smartphones to keep track of a motorcycle’s location, it is less likely for a bike to be stolen, and it’s easier to locate it if it is taken.

5. Motorcycles are convenient.

Motorcycles are fun to ride, easy to maneuver, and can fit into some pretty tight spaces, whether you’re in rush-hour traffic or trying to find a parking spot.

6. Enjoy more scenery.

When riding in cars, we are often surrounded by distractions such as small talk with passengers, loud music, videos, bluetooth phone calls and more. These distractions often prevent drivers from fully focusing on their surroundings. On a motorcycle, you simply do not have these things to worry about and can enjoy the beauty of the Sunshine State.

7. Gain confidence on the road.

Motorcycles are adventurous. Relying on these bikes more will provide you with an invaluable set of skills and confidence on the road. You will discover important defensive driving techniques and other tactics that can be employed both in a vehicle and on a bike.

8. Save money.

It is much cheaper to maintain, operate, park and register a motorcycle than a vehicle.

9. Increase your health.

Getting fresh air is simply good for your health. It allows your internal oxygen to flow freely throughout the brain, allowing you to be fresh and alert.

10. Live a little!

If we have not declared it enough, motorcycles are fun! So get out there and live a little.

If you are strongly considering riding a motorcycle, you will not regret it. At the Law Offices of Michael B. Brehne, P.A., our experienced motorcycle accident attorneys ask that you operate your bike responsibly and always wear a helmet. Contact us today to learn more about staying safe on the road and how to avoid motorcycle accidents. We offer free initial consultations.

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